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Showing posts from May, 2013

Little Lion Days

"Hi Mama!" Even all groggy, at five in the morning, the sound of these two words never cease to tickle my heart strings.  "Hi Papa! HeeHaw?" (His name for big sis.) "Hi! Moon? Sno?"  (Pointing to the darkened window. Boy still isn't trusting this warm weather thing.) "Up, UP!" (Jumping up and down in his crib.) Then vigorously signing "dog" and woofing. Next, he is signing "shoes", and chucking his seahorse lovie overboard, barely missing the cat's unsuspecting head.  Crawling out of bed like a grub from under a log, I head over to pick him up. It's the beginning of another day with Leo man.  Days with Leo man are something- something tasty, indescribable, and yet essential like cheesy toast and fresh orange juice dripping off the chin. He's fun, demanding, terrifying, and the number one cause of tear-flow around here.  This past weekend was, for us nutty Orthodox Christians, Easter (know...