"Suffering passes; to have suffered, never passes. One could say the actual experience passes away, but to have gone through an experience, never passes away. We are made into other people through an experience once received; even if we forget about it later, even if consciously we are no longer aware of what happened to us once upon a time." -Met. Anthony Bloom It's so easy to get caught up in the "infinite moment" of trauma, and forget that tired old bag of a cliche: time heals all. Because in my experience, it really doesn't heal anything. Time just gives us breathing room to grow in understanding and acceptance through whichever woe is upon us. Lately I've been seeing and hearing a lot about the specialness of hurt. In the special needs world there is a general consensus of feeling misunderstood, ostracized, and in some cases, despised. These feelings often spur a rash of articles and writings around the Internet about the mistreatment and...