There hasn't been much going on that has been blog worthy in our life. Other than, you know, the usual day to day drama which just isn't inspiring or anything that I want to actually waste time sitting down and typing. So far I've tried to avoid posts which just ramble on in "dear dairy" land, but today, honestly, I don't have any deep thoughts, and no share worthy crisis has rained down upon our heads. We have been becalmed, as they say. Isn't that a lovely word? Be...calmed. Becalmed. Caught in a lull, a cessation of wind and storm, so that we drift gently upon the waters and wait. There's no hurry. Every tiny thing becomes worthy of deep observation. The way the translucent spring sunshine baths the fields and how the grass stretches and pulls itself up and how the leaves uncurl and flex under its rays. It's calm and yet invigorating at the same time. The sun seems to dane on Leo's head, playfully turning his still growing back hair into...