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Showing posts from June, 2016

Hit With Summer

 Today is Leo's last day at school for the summer, but not Leo's last day of Kindergarten. We are going to do a re-do of this year as it was just a teeny, weensy, bit rough in the school department. Between the astronomic number of daily seizures, all new therapists, teachers and school, there's been a nutty kind of flavor to our daily fruit cake of life. However, I think we finally started figuring things out a couple weeks ago, so fingers crossed that it won't take as long next year... A lot of the issues stemmed from simple miscommunication and lack of proper supports, and hey, it's not like I've ever done all this before. Leo didn't come with an IEP instruction manual.  But even with all the muddle on the grown-ups end, Leo managed to develop new skills, and despite all the wretched seizures too! His mobility has improved a lot making him independent on the stairs and upping his soccer kick. I can't believe it yet somedays, but he's ...