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Showing posts from August, 2017

A Birthday Morning

Sometimes I think I have seven years worth of words to say about you, seven years worth of patience to practice with you, seven years worth of fear to face with you, seven years worth of growing to measure, seven years worth of rules to break. I sometimes feel that seven years worth of changes, is seven years too much, but also too little. Seven years worth of you, is more than I expected, and so much less than I desire. Seven years worth of becoming better.  Seven years worth of you. Happy Seven years, my dear little lion man.  '

Lost In Summer

It has been a long time...maybe the longest since I have written to you all last. This blog has meant many different things to me over the past seven years, in fact, it has taken as many different manifestations as its subject matter, Leo the little lion! Not so little anymore, in a couple weeks he will be seven years old.  And so will this blog!  It is amazing to think back to the frightening beginning of it all, and to realize that never in a hundred years could I have pictured myself now, sitting and typing this post at my sunny kitchen table, in my own house, while the early morning sounds trickle in from the open porch door and mingle with the voices of my children in the other room. Not one child, as we all thought seven years ago, but two.  Seven years ago, Leo was not going to live to his first birthday. He was not going to be able to talk sweetly to his big sister, as I hear him doing right now. Though I'm sitting in the other room, I can picture them...