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evenings and mornings

Last night was the beginning of our new schedule oriented around Leo.  We drove the five miles under a full moon to meet some dear friends at the hospital to bring Leo his milk.  The night nurse had some speakers set up near his head and was playing music.  This is new thing.  He seems to like it.  He has also been moved to a very quiet area of the NICU and he gets a lot of attention from everyone there. 
For us every evening is sacred, every morning seems clear and quiet especially considering how just five days ago, before he was with us, the silence seemed unbearable.  I imagine it will remain like this for a while unless Leo surprises us.  Mornings and evenings, silence and sadness.  We hope that this unfolding of events in the next week and daily flow will begin a rhythm in our lives oriented around Leo.  The simplicity of everyday is the reminder that we'll do whatever we can right now.  And go with the flow.  


  1. Hello,
    Just wanted to say that you and Leo are in my prayers. I found out about him and this blog through Audra's blog. Kyrie Eleison.


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