A year unlike any other.. A collision of chance, a cacophony of probabilities, decisions and choices entwined with fate. Roped and hobbled by necessity. I don't think that we are the only ones viewing the coming year with no little amount of trepidation. Raising a glass to it is a dubious pleasure at best. Once burnt twice shy they say. Perhaps they should change it to, once burnt twice shy, and three times desperate. Another saying that is spinning in my head tonight is about drinking the bitter cup. It's something my dad told me, way back when we first found out about Leo. That also fits right into another saying that we Orthodox Christians say daily in our prayers. We pray for God to deliver us and save us from necessity. When I was younger, (Single, childless..) I never got this. Bitter cup? Necessity? Whatever! As the years go by we learn about necessity, either we learn or we stagger from one catastrophe to another.. Necessity. Something that kills us to do, and kills us...