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Stalwart Adjectives And Feet.

Aren't there just a whole lot of wonderful adjectives in the thesarus for "determined?"
When in doubt, learn new words...especially words that send strength shivering down through your body!
And though we might be shivering around here lately with winter popping its shaggy head out around the corner and sticking out its tongue at us, however, we are ready for it. This year, winter won't get me down. (Big words eh?) Anyway I am determined, undaunted, and resolved that this coming new year will only hold good things for us. At least I am tenacious enough to block out any other thoughts from my head. Although the odds have always been against us, we do seem to strike the jack-pot in anything Leo related.

For instance: This week as things steadily got more frozen outside, our little house has been warmed up by Leo's light speed progress. He is sitting unsupported for long periods and if he does fall over, it's only because he felt like it, or someone happened to look at him and yell, "timber!" In any case he comes out of his sits fairly controlled and knows when there isn't going to be a soft landing and moves his body accordingly.

He commando crawled a couple steps yesterday to reach the unsuspecting cat while she was sunning herself in a patch of sunlight. I imagine the poor thing will be in for it when he will be truly mobile. There is nothing else that puts him into such fits of glee as pulling out her fur.

But the really big THING that happened this week, was prompted by a spontaneous shopping trip by my folks. They came home with a walker thingamabob. You know what I mean, its got a seat and wheels, and helps foster that love of speed early. Either that or it prepares the young for a career in astronautics as they launch themselves down the stairs. Anyway back in the day they wigged me out. I was convinced that they were created by a sadistic baby retailer, plus every single "raise you child naturally," book was vehemently against them. So it was with mixed feeling that I watched Leo being put into one. BUT! Oh my did my doubt change in the next minute as I watched Leo for the first time realize that he could move himself through his environment. It was astounding! At first he tried to jump in it, since we have jumper for him, but when his leg action propelled him forward instead, it was as if instead of that sweater you asked for Christmas, you got six full sets of silk thermals and an ankle length sheepskin coat. He started laughing, chuckling, and with his eyes sparkling he shot himself around the room. We all laughed and cried, and just couldn't believe why we never thought about it before. I haven't vetted it with his PT as of yet, but in my opnion, there are tons of benifits for him with it. First he gets tons of muscle strengthing. Second, he works on his alternating feet/brain sides doing it. And thirdly, he for the first time, has realized that he isn't helpless. That he can move, and change his location himself! Whoa!

Ok, it may seem like a little thing to a nuero-typical baby, but for him, for us, it's HUGE.

Yeah, this is brag post. Figured it was time for one of those!

And here are the brag pics, enjoy, stay warm, and stay assiduous! (Haha been dying to use that one..) Love to you all!


  1. His development is amazing and he looks so happy!!

  2. So proud of him...and look at that smile! Love the teeth! Just reading this post also brought tears of joy and giggles, too :-)

  3. Wonderful! Marvelous! Stupendous! Outstanding! Yes!!!

  4. That makes me so happy I want to tear up...

  5. Go Leo Go!

    Cheering y'all on from Birmingham, Ala. (It's certainly not snowing here!)


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