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Mad Skillz

If there is a will...
Leo will find the way!

Every week, every day, and every hour, his brain is learning, growing and developing. So is his body. It's so awesome to watch. Recent skills of his include totally mastering sitting. He sits independently and is able to rotate his torso all over the place and keep his balance. Today at church the real test came when his loving sister dropped a pillow on his head and he didn't move a muscle, other then those he uses to laugh hysterically with, that is.
Yeah, he's a tough dude, and on top of that he is into slapstick humor big time. Can't wait to watch my favorite Chaplin films with him!
Other nifty things he has learned lately is to throw stuff, dump stuff out, and roll stuff across the floor. And all the stuff eventually ends up doing time in Leo's mouth. He's teething again, 'nuff said!
Another skill is being better and stronger at standing. He spends a couple hours a day on his feet, whether it be in his jumpy stander, or supported by us, he loves to be on his feet and bouncing around. Because of his walker thingy he is also getting better at stepping with his feet when we encourage walking.

Standing on his own! well mostly. the chair helps some.

He has got two other therapists coming in to see him now, in addition to his physical therapist, to work on vision and play skills. There is talk of signing him up for speech therapy soon too. All that sounds pretty intense, but in reality, it is such a blessing that we live in a place where all that is available to us. The more people we have giving us tips and teaching us tricks for stimulating little man's development, the better. It is a lot of work, mental and physical to help Leo reach milestones, but the fruits of our labor make it so worth it. Sometimes we end up going hoarse from cheering him so much, and our cheeks may be sore from smiling and laughing, but that's in a very, very, good way.

This week we meet with his neurologist (finally) to talk to him about Leo's brain development and seizure maintenance. Hopefully, I can convert him to the benefits of pro-active care, at least in the realm of adjusting Leo's Keppra dose in a timely manner, so that we can avoid another episode of that horrific seizure that landed us in the ER last month.

Next week we meet with plastics and neurosurg team to schedule the cranial surgery. Lord have mercy!

What a big goof.


  1. these pictures are so lovely! love the one of Leo standing! Lord protect and have mercy!

  2. such a cute little guy. Way to go Leo, you are doing awesome, keep up the good work.

  3. Love the little Leo man crawling, awesome job, nicely done helping your brother...Nika :-)

  4. Yay for Leo, yay for nika, yay for mom and dad, yay for the team, yay yay yay God !!! I love the last photo - the closeup of his beautiful blue eyes. Praying for you all....

  5. I love your boy.. He has such a kind look, I think he will be a fine man.. Maybe I like him so much beacuse he looks like my son, who's 18 month, so pretty same age like Leo..
    I hope he'll get better, God must have a plan that He gave Leo such strenght..
    Praying for little Leo, with love..

  6. I'm thrilled that he is doing so well, AND that he is seeing or will be seeing so many therapists (social, play, perhaps speech soon, etc.). I can't tell you how thankful we've been for all of our Gregory's therapies (social, play, speech, etc.). They can move mountains sometimes. And with such a patient little buddy you've got there, he is absorbing so much!!

    We wish you a joyful (and warm!) Christmas!

    the Sokolovs


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