On Tuesday I experienced something that was in some way both very special and horribly heart wrenching. I was present at the funeral and burial of a full term stillborn babe. She looked like a little doll, resting gently in a simple, but lovingly and carefully worked wooden box that her father prepared for her. In continuation of the disparities, it all seemed so wrong, and yet so right, that this should be the way that this precious baby should be laid to rest. How bizarre and terrible! How lamentable, and yet how beautiful. How simply her parents carried her and laid her down in a grove of trees close to their house, and yet how courageously they did it. One can not experience something like this by proxy, I realized, without treading the path of empathy. What is empathy, but the ability to transmit the pain and sufferings of others to ourselves? The more I thought about it, the more I realized that there is many ways that ...