It's that time again. That almost last week in August in which momentous things happen to our little family. Justin and I got married. (8/22/04) Nika was born. (8/26/06) Major relocation and life change (8/25/07) And then suqential move back to VT (summer '10) The Day of Diagnosis of "something very very wrong with baby." (8/17/10 Please do try to ignore the icky preggie jammies, I had other things on my mind...(like talking on the phone with THE DOCS while mechanicly plucking all the parsley out) Leo was born. (8/23/10) I shudder to think what else will happen to us during this week in the future: apocalypse, local volcanic eruption (a real childhood fear of mine, I think I read too many books and was homeschooled..remember that book on Pompeii? The illustrations gave me nightmares for years...) and/or insert some other surprise of cataclysmic proportions of your choice here. So far, it's Monday and th...