You may have noticed that I've given this blog a bit of a face lift to start off the New Year, and I've also posted back up all of Leo's movies that I've made for him on his birthday. You can view them from the link on the home page's title bar. The very first movie I made for him is called the Half Year movie because we weren't sure that he would make it to the One Year movie mark! But he did and the Half Year movie become almost a catalyst for the miracle of the change in his terminal diagnosis. However, at the time of making that movie, I did not know the happy news yet so it was made with a dose of grief, along with the joy that we felt in having Leo in our life. The other movies mark his amazing development and progression after that first reconstructive surgery, but I'm sure you have also noticed that the Four Year movie is missing! When Leo turned four this past August we were up to our ears in the business of buying a house and moving, and then... ...