Night is when it seems like anything can happen. We humans as a diurnal species have a strange relationship with night. Sometimes we can sleep through it completely, rarely delving into the dark mystery which seems so available at times, and sometimes, we find it so alien and strange. If you are a parent of a young child(ren), then the night becomes a proving ground, much like a Roman colosseum for gladiators. Which night demon will challenge our mettle tonight? And will we be victorious? Unfortunately, as the dawn sun peeks through the window, it sometimes sees signs of failure. My husband will tell you that I turn into a "badger" at night. What he means by this is that I get really grouchy, irritable, and generally irrational, however a badger is actually a nocturnal animal, so the comparison isn't technically correct..but the sentiment is. He's right, at night all bets are off. It's no wonder that if something bad happens it always happens at night. Night ...