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Feel The Vibe, Spread The Vibe, End The Word.

At the risk of sounding like a hippy, I really and truly believe that we are all emotionally connected. Sometimes, for some people, it almost feels like different plane, another reality that you can almost touch, or a network of life that you can almost tap into, if only you could find the right connecter plug. Wether we feel it or not, I believe we are effected by it. Take that contagious bad mood phenomenon; all it takes is one grouchy person in a room to spoil the whole party.

It's almost like the space surrounding us is filled with channels and particles that vibrate, pick up, and transmit all the strong feelings and emotions that we in turn, are broadcasting to the world. In a way, I know I'm right because of this new something that scientists are all in a twitter about: the God particle.
Click here for the whole mumbo jumbo about that, but to paraphrase (and simplify by a magnitude, the God particle proves that there is no such thing as "empty space." Everything is filled. There is no such thing as pure emptiness. The only reason that we aren't all bouncing around at light speed is because of this something that surrounds us, holds us, and ultimately fills us. Now for my disclaimer:  I am as far away from a scientific thinker as possible, so, of course I have no proof and be completely and horribly wrong. That said, here are some pictures to distract you from what I just said...

The crazy alien looking thing that makes these other pretty pictures...

Wow. This is the god particle in action! This is what surrounds us all the time.

So what I picture in my head, is that we all move through life as little sparks, shining off lights and energy, and as we move through this filled space we share and leak our individual signatures that are in turn picked up and added to the constantly moving and zippy space around us. I heard an interview with one of the scientists of this project who stated and believed strongly that this proves there is no God. That this particle replaces the role per-say of a divinity. But I believe, that if anything, this proves the opposite. That there is no emptiness. That the energy of prayer and love can create tangible actions. That the particle is truly a "God" particle. When we are filled with bad emotions, those black energies are leaked, and can poison the very space around us.  But the flip side in this fallen world, is that we can also "leak" hope, prayer, love, faith, trust, and those things shine brighter, move faster and touch more people then we can ever imagine.

In the middle of total despair, we found strength and courage because you all gave it to us via light speed shiny bits of prayerful sunshine.

Leo is one of the best examples (yes I'm partial..) of the powerful, and healing force of the "good vibe."
But there are countless others, small everyday miracles, to life-changing goodness caused by nothing other then the feeling of love and hope that someone "leaked."
* disclaimer about the Video: its a bit cheesy and overdone, but still it's nice to see, and it's a nifty illustration to what I'm trying to say...

There is so much misery in our world, so much pain and sadness in life, that it takes a whole lot of vibes these days to help lighten the darkness. There are many ways we can use the god particle to our advantage. There are so many ways we can spread not hate and fear, but kindness into our world. One way in which we can do this, and this is something I have talked about before, is something so simple, so tiny, that it often escapes notice, and is something that we all do or have done. We have all used the word "retard." We have all used it in a negative way. I'm convinced that it is one of the top adjectives in our society which we blast out into space at the slightest provocation. It's not ok. It's a poison that hurts every single child like Leo, and every parent. It is insidious in the way it plants seeds of disrespect towards disabilities in every typical person, starting at a very young age. When those children grow up, they believe in their own superiority over those who are sick, handicapped, elderly, or just different. There is less kindness and less empathy. Children are given death sentences, and denied treatment or care because of it. So my challenge yet again is, end the word, and instead share understanding.

Matthew 5:22
 But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment; and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council; but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.

The word Raca is original to the Greek manuscript; however, it is not a Greek word. The most common view is that it is a reference to the Aramaic word reka, which literally means "empty one", but probably meant "empty headed," or "foolish."

So you see, its been a battle for a very long time and even worse, most of the participants have no clue they are in one. So.....

Feel the vibe, spread the vibe, and end the word, all via the god particle!!


  1. Praise God which whom all blessings flow!


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