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Half A Year.

Half a year in which we have lived through a lifetime of sorrow, pain, joy and love. Leo will be 6 months this coming week. Every month, every week, every day is a miracle. He is our miracle and will be forever. Below you will find a video of these months, a glimpse into the past, and I think you will agree with me, that God's touch and mercy is clearly visible. A warning; some of the pictures are hard to look at, but they are the truth, and serve to highlight even more how wondrous life can be. That in the middle of horror, one can find beauty and grace. Our family thanks you, our dear friends and readers, for taking part in our journey and we hope that it will be a long one! Happy half year, our sweetest baby, and many more. (Click on the link below, and then on the icon of the film to watch)


  1. Thank you so much for putting together the video. I managed not to cry (somehow) but my throat is aching. Happy half-year, Leo, and may God grant you many more!

  2. Absolutely touching, beautiful, incredible video. Thank you for continuing to share Leo with us! He has the most gorgeous eyes!

  3. This brought tears to my eyes. He's a beautiful boy.

  4. Love so wonderfully portrayed in a 6 minute video. Thank you!!!

  5. Nicholas was with me when I opened the page and as I began to scroll down to read he said, "hey, go back up. I want to look at the baby." He is truly a beautiful boy and every time I see his face I am happy.

  6. Happy half-birthday, Leo! You're looking great.

  7. Happy Birthday to our little Godson, a true warrior despite all which he has had to encounter. With his loving smile, cutest giggles and all his wiggles. To his family who have shown such strength and faith and love, May God grant you many years!

  8. The soul at its highest is found like God, but an angel gives a closer idea of Him. ~Meister Eckhart

    Thank you dearest little sweetheart for sharing with us an idea of God! Happy first namesday, Leo! And many many more!

  9. Just beautiful - thank you!

  10. Thank you.
    God grant you many years Leo on your name's day.

  11. What an amazing cellebration of Leos six months.What a stunning transformation in so short a time.He is just such a lovable and irrisistable bunde of giggles and smiles.It is truly a living testimony to your great faith,courage,love and dedication.How lucky Leo is to have such wonderful parents.And how eternally blessed you guys are to have Leo as your son.He is a teacher to all of us both far and near.I cannot get over his eyes,two great luminaries,windows into the heavenly kingdom.Sweetest Leo may God grant you many many many years!

  12. Beautiful pictures of a beautiful family. I have been following your blog daily, and we have kept you all on the prayer list of our cyberspace prayer group. Also, the men of the Orthodox community at Indiana State Prison in Michigan City continue to pray for Leo and ask about his progress whenever I visit. You are blessed indeed and more to come

  13. Sweet Leo! If anyone ever needed proof of God, it is right there in Leo.

  14. God will make a way
    Where there seems to be no way
    He works in ways we cannot see
    He will make a way for me
    He will be my guide
    Hold me closely to His side
    With love and strength
    For each new day
    He will make a way
    He will make a way

    By a roadway in the wilderness
    He'll lead me
    And rivers in the desert will I see
    Heaven and earth will fade
    But His Word will still remain
    He will do something new today

    I loved the video it was so touching!

  15. Hi Leo
    My name is Jenna and I came across your site. happy half a year Leo, and I will be praying that there will be more years. You are a real fighter, and a wonderful amazing miracle and gift to god. I was not suposed to be living this long, and I am not supposed to make it to my birthday which is on the 23 of this month. So I know miracles can happen, and true fighters are miracles and Leo is one of them. My site:

  16. I'm a friend of Lydia's, I heard about your sweet little boy just days after his birth 6 months ago. You have been in my thoughts and prayers ever since and I cannot tell you how truly blessed I feel to know Leo's story and watch the miracles that have unfolded in that which is his precious life. May God continue to bless your precious family always. With love in Christ, Tiffany


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