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Wheezing Through The Smiles

So the little Leo man has finally succumbed to his first more major virus, mostly because of his sister's good sharing skills. She managed to go under my radar and share some snotty kisses with her little brother. Needless to say, the odds were not in his favor. We are on day 5 of major chest congestion, fever, and all that jazz. We brought him in today to get looked at on the visiting nurses recommendation. He was wheezing pretty heavily yesterday and today so they put the mask on him to see if the inhaled medicine would help ease his breathing. Other then making his eyes water and make him sleepy, it didn't seem to change his breathing much! However, I think he is finally turning the bend and tonight his breathing is much quieter.
I have to say, he is the most amazing baby ever! Even while obviously not feeling well, feverish, and struggling to breathe, he still tries to make us smile. This just seems unnatural to me! I am used to kids turning into miniature wolverines when they are sick, complete with unbreakable grips and howls. Leo just looks cuter and sweeter, even while cooing in a voice that could belong to a hard-core smoker. He is our joy. It is getting easier to put aside all our pre-conceived notions of what a perfect baby should be like, and to just take Leo for what he is. A pure soul; the sweetest, and gentlest spirit in the world.



  1. I'm sorry your little guy is sick, but thankful that he is holding up so well through it all. He is such a sweet little boy.

  2. He is just incredible! Such a trooper!

  3. I love that first picture. It is one of the sweetest ever. Our John is that way, too. He will grin at us right after projectile vomiting or having a coughing fit. We can't wait to see you guys, and we are still planning a trip out your way in May!!

  4. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.


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