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With A Click Of The Heels

Leo is finally home! They let us go this morning, after a nice long visit where his awesome team just cooed and giggled over him, with Leo, of course, flirting right back. He was, however, completely ecstatic to get in his car seat, drive home, and take a nap in his own comfy bed. He couldn't stop chortling and looking at everything with this grateful look in his eyes, kind of like a shipwrecked survivor looks at the ground beneath his feet. It's heartbreaking and wonderful to see at the same time. We had to do it, didn't we? There I go again, just like any other parent out there, suffering from self induced guilt. You should see the poor guy though, he looks like a baby pin cushion, with scars, incisions, bruises, and holes everywhere. Plus his head is pretty huge and mushy with swelling along his ear to ear zig-zag incision, but they are positive that it will go away. Eventually. To quote, "in a matter of weeks, or months." In other words, they don't really know when. Well until it does we have to handle his head with care and buy him lots of funny hats. Who says Frankenstein can't be cute? It's all about the accessories...
It's been extremely rough and hard for us up till now, and now that things are looking up, I want to thank everyone who has prayed, loved, and supported us through it. We couldn't have done it without all of you! Thank you just doesn't cut it. Take that sentiment, multiply by some very large number, and then you will be closer to how we feel about all of you!
Here are some pics of the Lion in his own habitat. Ever seen the movie Megamind? Yeah, 'nuff said...


  1. I'm so glad he's home and doing so well! As always, you all remain in our thoughts and prayers!

  2. Similarly, "YAY!!!!!" doesn't quite cover how happy I am that you guys are finally home. Let us know if you need any help with anything!

  3. Ditto to the happy you're home. I bet Leo was thrilled to be wire free...and grinning. I can just picture him flirting with all at the meeting. Prayers continue...Do you still need skull caps for his brand new beautiful head? I've been searching online. Let me know.

  4. So grateful that y'all are home at last. What a tough little trooper you have! Hope we can see you in your cozy cabin this weekend.

  5. So glad you guys are home! Let us know if you need anything.

  6. I am just ecstatic that I got to see him this morning, giggling away. What a wonderful, marvelous, miraculous kid. I will follow this blog and smile for as long as it exists and will continue to show him around and say "See!!!" "Miracles do happen!!" and "How wrong we were! Look at him now". Love to you all and thank you for letting me visit this morning.

  7. The pics are heartbreaking!! Let's hope the difficult part is over, and the cub is on his way to recovery!

  8. Glory be to God! How wonderful that Leo is home!
    Prayers continue. ~Fr Benedict

  9. the four of you will be on my "forever prayer list" has become part of my daily routine. Many blessings. Claire

  10. This is a beautiful thing!!!!!! From the first we have prayed that God would work a miracle. The miracle of Leo's fabulous head, bright eyes and incredible smile. The miracle of strength for your whole family to endure the trial. Yes, miracles do happen and this is proof! Your family is amazing. We think of you and pray for you so very often. With much love and tears of joy, Emilee Smalley

  11. Beautiful pics and yes the body will eventually absorb the extra fluid between the skull and it's own time, of course. See how happy he is is such a Blessing!

  12. praying for you all...what a smile he has!

  13. He is sooo beautiful when he grins. It's nice to see him back where he belongs and so happy with it.

  14. Hats or no hats, he is absolutely adorable!

  15. That is one happy looking boy!

  16. Glad to see Leo is at home. We continue to pray for his full recovery. Thanks so much for these updates on his condition....May our God Bless you richly in the days and weeks ahead


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